Power Platform

The biggest technological challenge of organizations is the conversion all the information generated by their businesses into knowledge.

Power Platform

Power BI is a tool that allows you to create data models based on a multitude of origins and then create reports based on graphs and interactive filters. These models and reports can be uploaded to the cloud in order to share the information displayed in the form of panels and/or reports. Cortana Intelligence is a platform that converts data into intelligent actions and centralizes the administration of Big Data.

At IFR we want to make it easier for companies to learn Power BI and Cortana Intelligence Suite. Both enable composing data models, the creation of Big Data prototypes, the preparation of reports, and finally the correct distribution of information to the target user, across the board and in accordance with the needs of your company.



Features Power Platform

The services provided by these solutions are accessible from any type of device.
Creating reports is done from the Web or the desktop application called Power BI Desktop. Displaying and working with the data can be done from any device (PC, laptop, tablets or mobile phones). The reports and panels will have the appropriate format for each device and will always be updated.

Reports based on the data models implemented.
These reports can range from simple pie charts to a compendium of multiple displays. The reports created are interactive and visually are very attractive. There is a very active community that is continuously creating new and interesting displays with the aim of being communicative.
Loads data from any type of origin.
One of the main capabilities of Power BI is versatility, loading data from any source: files, content packages, databases (local or in the cloud) such as ODATA, SQL, tabular data or multidimensional data.

Ensures that the data presented is current.
The capabilities of Power BI would be incomplete if the data displayed did not have an adequate update frequency. The platform ensures that the data presented is current, automating the data-loading process. If the data is modified at source, any updates are loaded in the next update cycle.


Benefits Power Platform

Access your company's knowledge.
With Power BI, the data generated by your business is accessible at any time and from anywhere.

Quickly generate your reports.
Thanks to the power of Power BI it is possible to create reliable reports from any data source.

Integrate analytical and predictive knowledge.
Power BI enables analytical and predictive knowledge to be integrated into a single ERP and CRM platform.

Turn the data into intelligent actions.
Cortana Intelligence is a platform that converts data into intelligent actions and centralizes the administration of Big Data.

Ensure that you achieve results.
With a methodological approach based on four phases: appraisal of requirements, construction of the data model, preparation of the information and distribution of the knowledge.

Handle updated data.
The power of Power BI facilitates frequent and constant updating of the displayed data.